Our "Brick Walls" The "Farthest Back" Individuals from the Wooddell, Stephens, Knight, Riggins, Denny, Shirey and Related Family Research I would like to dedicate this page to those of our ancestors who so skillfully, confounded, obfuscated, evaded, concealed, or outright lied in order to thwart any attempt of having any record that could possibly prove that they or their families ever existed. Playing "Is There Anybody Out There" From "The Wall" by Pink Floyd
Agrippa Atkinson
Benjamin Franklin Blankinship
Francis M. Cary
John W. Garrett
George Gothard
Charle Finley Lowe
Littleton Riggins
Wiley A. Wooddell Different census state he was born in GA and TN (1860). According to Helen (Crawford) Wooddell, his father's name may have been John and that he was a storekeeper. There is a marriage between Thomas Woodell & J. Ann Gillott on May5 1836 in Tuscaloosa Co AL. Poss brother? Last name is spelled Wooddell, Woodell, Woodill, Woodall, Woodiel by various county clerks etc. We found a listing in book entitled "Tuscumbian Newspaper Marriages, Death & Legal Notices From Early Alabama Newspapers 1819-1893" stating that on Feb. 6, 1828 Issac Wiley & James Wooddell were given letter of administration for the estate of Evan S. Wiley who died Dec. 2, 1824. It was the final settlement of the estate. If you have these people in your family, please Contact Us At txwooddell.net This page last updated Feb. 23, 2003
Wiley A. Wooddell
If you have these people in your family, please
Contact Us At txwooddell.net This page last updated Feb. 23, 2003