Lost and Found Department

These Ancestors are "lost" and waiting for their relatives to "Claim them".

See if we have found your G Grandma with the same or similar name.

In Genealogy research we all come across individuals that have every kind of information you wish to know about them except the sentence that connects them to your family. This is a compilation of those with where we found them, and related documents we possess if any. These will be listed by Surnames, and will link to a page for those names and the documents that could help you "prove" their kinship to your family, and hopefully ours too. But maybe you have a "Lost and Found Relative" of ours?

ATKINSON and various spellings.

BLANKINSHIP and various spellings. (pending)

CARY and various spellings. (pending)

CHILDRESS and various spellings.

EUBANKS and various spellings. (pending)

GARRETT and various spellings. (pending)

GOATS/GUESS and various spellings. (pending)

GOTHARD and various spellings.

HOUSE and various spellings. (pending)

JAMES (pending)

JOSEY and various spellings. (pending)

KNIGHT (pending)

LAMBERT and various spellings. (pending)

LOWE and various spellings.


SANFORD and various spellings. (pending)

SHIREY and various spellings. (pending)

SNIDER/SNYDER and various spellings. (pending)

WEAVER and various spellings. (pending)

WILEY (pending)

WOODDELL/WOODIEL and various spellings.

WORLEY (pending)

The Family Forum Post Your "Lost and Found" here so others may see also.

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If you have these people in your family, please

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Last updated Nov. 25, 2004