Shirey Family Photos


[IMG] Benjamin Ike Shirey & wife Katie Belle Gifford Shirey

[IMG] Jesse Milburn Shirey Brother of Ben Ike

[IMG] Benjamin Ike Shirey

[IMG] Shirey Siblings Dec 24, 1976

[IMG] Young Shireys Marie, Milburn, JB as small children

[IMG] Benjamin Ike Shirey family Mrs. Shirey, Ben Ike, Katie

[IMG] Shirey Spouses

[IMG] Benjamin Ike Shirey & wife 3 Mary Jane

[IMG] Aunt Montie Ford 100th Birthday of Monte Rosann (Shirey) Ford.

[IMG] Monte Ford and Jesse Milburn Shirey 100, and 84.

[IMG] Mary Jane Martin (Shirey) and kinfolk (from Carroll Martin of
Stephenville, TX).

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This page last updated May 2, 2002